Friday, March 16, 2012

Unbelievable! Morrocan teen commits suicide after being forced to marry her rapist.

Dear readers, Dear bloggers. This is how the story goes.
Under Moroccan law, rape is punishable by 5 to 10 years in prison , or between 10 and 20 years if the victim is a minor. However, article 475 of the Moroccan penal code, which purports to defend ‘’family values’’, states that if a rapist marries his victim he is then exonerated of his crime.
Hello! Is it just me, or does this sound really stupid?
And this is happening in the face of a 21st century world like ours, where Women’s rights are supposed to be human rights, and Women’s welfares be protected and treated as part of the 7 billion people who occupy this planet?

Well, a minister in Morocco's Islamist government has called for a change to the law, after a 16-year-old teenager who was forced into such a union committed suicide. Amina al-Filali drank rat poison last week in Larache, near Tangiers in the north, after being forced to marry the man who raped her. And to make things even worse, her rapist escaped prison by invoking the article of the penal code that authorizes the rapist to marry in order to escape prosecution. And the reason why phenomena like these go unquestioned is because in the Arab world, the loss of a woman's virginity outside marriage is considered a dishonor to her family, even if it occurred through rape.
About 300 protesters have staged a sit-in outside the local court that approved the marriage, a demonstration organized by Morocco's Democratic League for Women's Rights. It was this same League that publicized Filalai's suicide as part of its campaign against the law.
So how fulfilling is it to place family values as a guise for the abuse of Women and girl’s Rights? There must be a reform to that criminal code which should pave the way for a law that forbids violence against women and ensures the equality of both sexes.
Filali's funeral took place on Sunday in the northern town of Larache.
According to a government study conducted last year, almost one quarter of Moroccan women have been sexually assaulted at least once in their lives.  But since we live in a man‘s world, let’s see how MEN do the math. RAPE + TRAUMA+MARRIAGE= HAPPY MARRIED LIFE.  Yayyy !
Com’on dude !  We’re in 2012! Your law shamefully treats the raped like a criminal even if she’s the victim of violence. Don’t you think there should be a reform here ?

1 comment:

  1. ok,this right here is just so wrong,when are these people going to learn that women actually do have rights???..hey girl check out our its A.T,or just click on monat's blog above...


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